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- Furano Famous Souvenirs

Choose various souvenirs based on your budget and purpose.
Plenty of Furano agricultural products, cheeses, wines, sweets, sauces and prepared packaged foods to choose from. Make your own one-of-a-kind hand craft to take home or choose one of the simply clever knick-knacks, there are so many things you will not know what to choose! Stop in at each shop if you have time, or if you are in a hurry, check out "Ningle Terrace" on the premises of Shin Furano Prince Hotel or at Furano Marche, the newest site in Furano.
Wine-making in Furano began in 1972. Since then, technology has been improved, and in 2005, the first Ice Wine "F" made from naturally frozen grapes was put on the market. After 2006, when Muller (white wine) won an award in the National Wine Contest, Furano wine became a name which won awards in many contests. You will want to check for it quickly, as it sells out as soon as it hits the shelves.
Furano Cheese is made with the rich and sweet fresh milk produced in Furano. Besides the standard natural and soft cheeses, you can find wine cheese, the only one of its kind in Japan, and "Cephalopod ink Camembert Cheese", which took first prize in the [1st All Japan Natural Cheese Contest] and other original cheeses with rich flavor and aroma.
"Furano Sweets" are now one of the representative products of Furano. They have become so popular that when sold at local product fairs held across the nation, they sell out almost immediately. Each shop puts a lot of thought into creating tasty and unique sweets, while selling famous sweets that are known throughout the country, and long-selling local delicacies. All of these products are great for souvenirs, gifts or for taking along on a drive.
TV Drama Paraphernalia
Paraphernalia for the dramas [From the Northern Country], [Yasashii Jikan] and [Kazeno Garden] include calendars, books, clothing and other sundries. Of the many items sold, "Goro's Jacket" replica was made to resemble the original one in detail and is something a fan will not want to miss! Drama paraphernalia is sold at the Furano Drama Museum, From the Northern Country Museum and Furano Marche, all located on the premises of Shin Furano Prince Hotel.
Lavender Products
Lavender, with its dainty little purple flowers and gentle aroma is effective for relaxing and inducing sleep and has been used since ancient times. The lavender that colors the vast land of Furano purple is used in pot-pourri, aroma oils, soap and herbal teas. Take home an aromatic souvenir that will remind you of your travels.
Furano Melon
Furano is not only blessed with fertile soil, but the climate is such that there is a great difference in temperature between day and night, which contributes to creating very sweet "king ruby" and "rubia red" juicy melons. There are many melon farms in the mountainous area, so all along Route 38 between Furano and the mountains you will see melon field after melon field. Many farms ship directly, so be sure and stop by on your drive.
Furano Omcurry
A local cuisine of Furano which combines two all-time favorites among adults and children; curry and Omrice, or rice topped with a soft omelet. All ingredients are locally grown, including the rice, vegetables and eggs used, not to mention the glass of "Furano milk" that comes with the meal! Each shop that participates in making "Omcurry" adds something different to come up with their own version of the dish. Another great rule is that the dish must be within \1,000!
Furano Vegetables
Furano's inland climate is due to its mountainous surroundings, the difference in temperature for one day and one year drastic. It is because of this drastic difference in temperature that makes Furano the perfect place to grow good-quality vegetables. Staples of Hokkaido include onions, carrots, potatoes, sweet corn and squash, which are largely grown in this area. Low pesticides and low chemical fertilizers are used to cultivate the land and grow a large variety of products.